Change name header font. CSSMove RSS icon. PHPMove into Main Nav a /and remove 1 of the search boxes. PHPMove Main-Nav under scroll gallery. Dash or PHPChange Main-Nav Font. CSS- Turn recent post galley into scroll gallery. PHP
Change all Post Font. CSSChange Post Header font color. CSSTweak Side Bar Colors. CSSAdd/Remove Elements from Side Bar.Dash/PHP
Tweak Background color. Dash/CSSAdd a nav in the footer as well as other links. PHPChange max post on a blog roll page. DashUNDONE BECAUSE BROKE SEARCH FUNCTION SOMEHOW
Disable all commenting.Dash
Embed video in portfolio. Dash/PHPDisable side bar when not on blog roll or a single post. PHPOrganize gallery contents and set up viewing capacities. PHP/CSSAdd a roll in gallery of art that can prev or next. PHPMake About look nicer. CSSAdd a tag cloud. Dash or PHPOrder of title, date, post, and tags on an individual post. PHPRound box corners.CSS
Make blog about 20% Cooler. MLP:FIM