
Loose Ends (Misfit / Birds of Prey Fan-Script)


PANEL 1: EXT Night — Wide shot of Central City, the skyline is alight with the hustle and bustle of the big city. The streaks of lights from cars are reminiscent of the city’s iconic hero, the Flash.

CAPTION BOX: Central City 

PANEL 2: Bird’s Eye View of a main street and the side alley between an antiques shop and record store. A few empty cars are parked on the street, no pedestrians are around. It’s a tiny sliver of peace in the big city.

PANEL 3: The alley wall of the antiques store explodes out! Bricks shoot into the alley as dust and smoke billow from the hole. Partially obscured from the dust and debris a shadowy figure flees from the antiques store.


PANEL 4: HUNTRESS (Helena Bertinelli) stands on the threshold of the destroyed wall. Unloaded crossbow in hand, she touches the communicator in her ear with two fingers.

HUNTRESS: We got a runner!

[Full comic length script below the keep reading, hope you enjoy!]

Page 2

PANEL 1: EXT Night — Close up of the smirking face of the FLASH (Wally West). Lightning arcs off him and the panel. Behind him are motion blurred streaks of buildings and lights.

FLASH: Ha, “runner!” I get it 

PANEL 2: Huntress runs down the alley, her cape billowing behind her. The background is clearly in focus showing off random beat-up posters littering the walls. They range from obscure metal bands, movies from half a decade ago, and a picture of a roaring bear’s face with the words “I’M DEFINITELY
NOT A BEAR” above it.

HUNTRESS: I wasn’t making a joke, Flash.


HUNTRESS: Ugg. Oracle, you got eyes on our guy?

PANEL 3: INT — ORACLE (Barbara Gordon), sits horseshoed in-between a myriad of monitors that bathe her in green light. Her fingers pick away at her keyboard, the monitors reflect in her glasses. She speaks into her headset.

ORACLE: I’ve got him on a surveillance feed. He’s in the historic section, moving down Dixon Avenue like we planned.
Canary? Blackhawk?


PANEL 1: EXT Night — BLACK CANARY (Dinah Lance) and LADY BLACKHAWK (Zinda Blake) stand side-by-side guarding the end of the cobblestone alley. Black Canary has her arms crossed and Lady Blackhawk has an odd boxy rifle with no barrel hole aimed forwards. The shadowy figure stops mid-way down the street.

BLACK CANARY: He’s here.

PANEL 2: Flash zooms from behind the still running Huntress, she turns her head.

FLASH: Need a lift?


PANEL 3: Lightning discharges all around as Flash skids to a halt, carrying Huntress, blocking the other end of the Alley. THE BIRDS OF PREY and Flash have the figure surrounded!

PANEL 4: Over the shoulder shot of the shadowy figure, Huntress hops out of Flash’s arms, crossbow armed and aimed at the figure. Flash has a smug grin.

FLASH: Kilg%re, long time no see buddy. How’ya been?

PANEL 5: Mid shot – reveal of KILG%RE, his nude ken-doll like metallic chrome skin reflects the yellow lampposts’ light, half of a sparking arrow bolt pokes out of his chest, a hologram of green square glasses covers his eyes. His left fist clenches in prideful declaration, in his right hand is a larger and thicker than average cell phone-esque device.

CALCULATOR 2.0: The fastest man alive and still late to the party. Kilg%re’s gone. I control his body now. I am Calculator 2.0!

CAPTION BOX: Editor’s Note: Read Birds of Prey #126-127.
Actually, read the whole run!


PANEL 1: Oracle stares intensely at the live feeds on her monitors. She can see Calculator 2.0 from the front and back through the other Birds of Prey’s micro-body camera as well as from above via a security cam.

ORACLE (CAPTION BOX): Calculator. He’s been lying low ever since he quadruple crossed the Silicone Syndicate and compromised our base in Platinum Flats. He hijacked Kilg%re’s consciousness and now can remote control him.
Kilg%re’s a huge enough threat alone, like an internet Clayface who manipulates metal and electronics. Now under Calculator‟s control that threat‟s grown exponentially.

PANEL 2: INT— Flashback of Calculator 2.0 rampaging inside the Birds of Prey former base as a bandaged up Oracle is wheeled away by fleeing Black Canary, Huntress, and Manhunter.

ORACLE (CAPTION BOX): We were caught severely off-guard last time. Thankfully it only cost us things and not anyone’s life. We got lucky, but Calculator got away. We can’t afford to lose him or who knows when we’ll ever be able to track him down again.

PANEL 3: EXT Night — Calculator 2.0 holds up the device in his hand for all to see. It’s a MOTHER BOX! His thumb presses the big red button in the center.

CALCULATOR 2.0: Back off! None of you, not even your Oracle know what you’re dealing with! Once I integrate this Mother Box into my avatar I’ll have access to enough god level tech to kill even Superman! Luthor will pay me billions!


PANEL 4: Calculator 2.0’s arm is blasted apart by energy waves from Lady Blackhawk’s gun.

PANEL 5: Close up of the Mother Box hitting the cobblestone ground shattering into pieces.

PANEL 6: Calculator 2.0 is shocked and enraged. Wires whip and sparks shower from what’s left of his amputated arm and shoulder.

CALCULATOR 2.0: A fake?

PANEL 7: Flash and Huntress grin knowingly.

FLASH: Sorry dude, but you really shouldn’t believe everything you read on your nerd sites. Who even knows who’s posting that stuff?


PANEL 1: Black Canary and Lady Blackhawk close in. Calculator 2.0’s exposed wires grab onto the fragments of his arm resembling it.

ORACLE (OVER COMMUNICATOR): Zinda, hit him with the EMP again!

Say goodnight, Mister.

PANEL 2: Calculator 2.0 thrusts out his good arm. A metal pipe burst from a wall and impales Lady Blackhawk’s EMP gun. Both women jump backwards out of the way.


PANEL 3: Oracle is shocked too. Her nails dig into the edges of her keyboard. She shouts to her team.

ORACLE (CAPTION BOX): No, no, no! He shouldn’t have had enough power left to do that!

ORACLE: Everyone keep your distance! He must have upgraded more of Kilg%re’s body since we last fought him. Huntress I don’t think your EMP arrows will be enough anymore!

PANEL 4: Head shot, literally. An arrow bolt penetrates through one of Calculator 2.0’s eyes! His mouth is open wide screaming in silent agony. The hologram glasses around the eye flickers and electricity flings out.

HUNTRESS (OFF-SCREEN): They seem to be working well enough.

Calculator 2.0

arm finishes repairing but the arrow is still lodged in his eye. More pipes burst from the walls and beneath him, melding into his body as he increases in size and roars! Black Canary puffs her chest out.


PANEL 6: Calculator 2.0 is slammed through the wall behind him by rings of sound waves from Black Canary’s, CANARY CRY!


PANEL 1: Flash zips near the busted wall. The Birds of Prey close in. Huntress with her crossbow reloaded, Lady Blackhawk pistol drawn, and Black Canary fist clenched.

FLASH: You should really give up dude, these ladies men serious business.

PANEL 2: Spiked metal tendrils, razor sharp claws, and a buzz saw spring from Calculator 2.0’s side like additional arms as he lunges at them. The Birds of Prey and raise their arms in defense.

PANEL 3: Same shot. The metal appendages hit the opposite alley wall. A streak of lightning crosses where the three women were.

SFX: Ting

PANEL 4: Calculator 2.0 stands tall, half as tall as the buildings around him. His body is no longer the smooth chrome but a wicked mechanical monstrosity with one glowing eye while the other still sparks around the arrow. He raises a fist in triumph.

CALCULATOR 2.0: That’s right, run away! Nothing you throw at this body can stop me!



SPLASH PAGE – MISFIT (Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe) BOUNCES in an explosion of pink sparkling smoke. Her foot plants Huntress’s arrow bolt even deeper into Calculator 2.0’s face. His body is thrown off balance from the force of her hit.





(PANELS 1-4: Four vertical strips ¾ page tall each with one character.)
PANEL 1: Oracle’s eyes are bugged out, mouth aghast, hands digging into her hair.


PANEL 2: Lady Blackhawk hollers and cheer, fist pumping in the air.

LADY BLACKHAWK: WOOOOO! Yeah! You show ‘em kid!

PANEL 3: Black Canary face palms.

BLACK CANARY: Oracle, why is she here?

PANEL 4: Flash is excited also cheering.

FLASH: That’s so cool! Who is she?

ORACLE (OVER COMMUNICATOR): Don’t encourage her!

FLASH: Ya know, she looks a lot like you.
…Wait, did you have a ki–

ORACLE (OVER COMMUNICATOR): Wallace Rudolph West, I swear to BATMAN if you finish that thought!!!

PANEL 5: Misfit teleports in front of the four heroes posing her arms held above her. Calculator 2.0 crashes unto the ground behind her kicking up a small dust cloud.




PANEL 1: Huntress gets right up in Misfit’s face staring daggers down at the shorter girl, finger poking her collarbone.

HUNTRESS: I know for a fact you have one of Professor Simone’s lecture this evening! You’d better have a damn good reason for cutting class young lady!

PANEL 2: Misfit backs up and throws her hands up, but has a confident look on her face.

MISFIT: Chillax tiger mom. We waited 15 minutes and the prof never showed, everyone knows that means you can legally skip the class. Plus I saw you were in need of some kapow pow when I checked in on receiver that Oracle totally let me have, for real! Besides, isn’t delivering justice reason enough?

PANEL 3: Grinning, Lady Blackhawk drags a flailing, foaming at the mouth Huntress backwards. Black Canary smiles towards Misfit.

LADY BLACKHAWK: Good to have ya back, crazy girl!

BLACK CANARY: It is good to see you again, Misfit. We’ve missed you. Things are a lot quie– Duller around the HQ without you around.

PANEL 4: Flash points upwards with a worried look.

FLASH: Ahh guys, hate to interrupt your reunion but he’s getting up!


PANEL 1: Teeth grit, Oracle hunches closer to the monitor.

ORACLE: Charlie this isn’t safe! I already miscalculated this whole thing and I don’t need any more variables!

PANEL 2: Misfit holds her hand up to her ear, an annoyed look on her face.

MISFIT: Umm, excuse me, secret identity. It’s Misfit when I’m in the field. Besides I’m not a variable, I’m the solution!

PANEL 3: Oracle is un-amused.

ORACLE: Everyone, pull back and retreat! He’s too dangerous to fight now! I’m gonna see if I get any more help to you ASAP!

PANEL 4: Calculator 2.0 looks off into space, a wide smile on his robotic face. A sound emits from his body.

CALCULATOR 2.0: They’re talking to you, aren’t they? The Oracle. I can’t hear you… Unbelievable, you found a way to mask your communications even from Kilg%re. But what can you do against this!?



PANEL 1: The green glow from Oracle’s monitors is gone, replaced by hissing static on every screen. Oracle desperately shouts into her headset as she slams her fist down popping her keeping into the air.


ORACLE: What!? No! Canary, do you read me?
Huntress!? Blackhawk!? Flash!?

PANEL 2: POV – In infrared vision Calculator 2.0’s looks out onto the cross street. Dead pixels litter his field of view and the left third of it is static. But he can make out a punch-buggie with five crouched blobs glowing red behind it. He raises a spear arm up.

PANEL 3: The giant metal spear pierces through the side of the car. Shattering glass and deforming the door.


PANEL 4: Misfit trembles in place, her eyes the size of pinpricks look down. The tip of the spear is plowed into the asphalt right between her sneakers.

PANEL 5: Huntress hugs Misfit tight against her.

HUNTRESS: I can’t get a hold of Oracle! Charlie, get out of the city now! Wally run until you’re outta range of whatever he’s doing and get the JLA on the horn. We’ll distract Calculator for as long as we can, but I’m not sure how effectively we can hold back that robotic bastard!

PANEL 6: Misfit excitedly pulls herself off of Huntress eyes shining.

MISFIT: Wait, he’s a robot! Like a robot-robot! I have an idea!


PANEL 1: Oracle’s fingers blaze across her keyboard as fast as if Flash was typing.

ORACLE (CAPTION BOX): I’m still online. It must be a localized jamming signal! So I just need eyes far enough away!
Waller won’t miss a satellite.

PANEL 2: From behind the harpooned car Misfit bounces away in a puff of smoke, Her allies’ faces range from confused to terrified.

HUNTRESS: God, please no!

PANEL 3: POV – Satellite. Top-down view of the street as the hulking mass of Calculator 2.0 is lurching towards a ruined car with four people coming from around it. Between the two is a pink shimmering cloud with a small figure in the middle.

ORACLE (OFF-SCREEN): What is she doing!?

PANEL 4: Misfit points dramatically!

MISFIT: Hey Nerd-ulator! Last chance to give up before I drag you outta your mom’s basement and enact the most serious Dark Vengeance your butt’s ever seen.

PANEL 5: Calculator 2.0 looms over Misfit, his hand high in the air swats down at her like she was a bug.

CALCULATOR 2.0: Kid, I’ve had it to here with you and all of Oracle’s agents! You’re going to tell me who and where they are even if I have to torture it out of everyone one of you!


PANEL 1: Calculator 2.0’s hand smashes into the asphalt, pink smoke wafts around the fingers.


CALCULATOR 2.0: And your catchphrase doesn’t even make sense!

PANEL 2: Flash looks surprised and impressed, Huntress looks ready to put an arrow through Flash’s skull.

FLASH: Yours and Bab’s kid is pretty fast.

PANEL 3: Calculator 2.0 scans the night sky angry and confused.

MISFIT (OFF-SCREEN): Hater! Now it’s personal!

CALCULATOR 2.0: Where are you? How are you talking before you’ve reappeared?
Why don’t you make any sense!?

PANEL 4: Misfit bounces onto Calculator 2.0’s back hugging him around the neck, her legs holding onto his sides. Her face is scrunched up concentrating hard. Calculator 2.0’s buzz-saw is poised overhead ready to swipe at her.

MISFIT: I’m right here!

PANEL 5: Same shot. Neither Calculator 2.0’s buzz-saw, nor any of his other weapons have moved in for the kill. He cocks his head back taking to a grinning Misfit.

CALCULATOR 2.0: I’m too smart to fall for the cliché where you move out of the way and make me hit myself.

MISFIT: Not what I was going for! Let’s Bounce!

PANEL 6: POV – Satellite. A fog of Misfit’s pink smoke blankets the street. The silhouettes of the other Birds of Prey and Flash are visible through it, but Misfit and Calculator 2.0 are gone.

She can teleport something that big with her!?


PANEL 1: Flash and the Birds of Prey look at each other stunned.

ORACLE (CAPTION BOX): Come on, Charlie! Teleport back, teleport back!

PANEL 2: Misfit reappears on top of the impaled punch-buggie lying on her back. Her cheeks are beet red and sweat rolls off her forehead.

Wowzers, that was a lot harder than I’d thought it’d be.

PANEL 3: Mid shot of the Birds of Prey’s reactions. Huntress’s hand over her heart, Black Canary arms crossed but relived, and Lady Blackhawk thinking with her hand pointing lazily to the side.

ORACLE (CAPTION BOX): Thank goodness she’s safe.

HUNTRESS: Please don’t scare me like that again!

BLACK CANARY: Glad you’re okay. How in the world did you do that?
And where’d you teleport him to? Outside the city?

LADY BLACKHAWK: A cornfield would be smart, none of that high-tech stuff there for him to absorb.

PANEL 4: Misfit still catching her breath lying on the car’s roof nonchalantly responds.

MISFIT: The ocean.

PANEL 5: A sea of perplexed faces stare back at her.

MISFIT (OFF-SCREEN): Umm… ya know, like the Atlantic. The middle of it…?

PANEL 6: A labeled map of North America and the Atlantic Ocean has a bright red double headed arrow drawn on it. One arrowhead points at the border of Missouri and Kansas on a dot marked “Central City.” The other arrowhead is in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean with a dot labeled “The Middle of It.” Over and under the line are “3000mi” and “4800km” respectfully.


PANEL 1: Oracle’s screens are all working again. She gawks dumbfounded at Misfit on them.


ORACLE (CAPTION BOX): Insane! Her powers are insane!
How do I keep underestimating her? Does she even have limits?

PANEL 2: Misfit flinches on top of the car as Oracle lays into her over her communicator. Black Canary, unperturbed, interrupts Oracle.

First off, all that was incredibly reckless and stupid! Futhermore–

BLACK CANARY (INTERRUPTING): Go easy on her, Babs.

PANEL 3: Oracle, cheeks glowing, composes herself.

ORACLE: What exactly happened?

PANEL 4: Misfit’s hands wave about in the air as she mimics her recap.

MISFIT: When Huntress reminded me he was just a robot and the real Calculator wasn’t piloting it I knew I could safely bounce with it.
I’ve thought a lot about how to deal with giant robots ever since what happened with Tabby.

CAPTION BOX: Editor’s Note: Birds of Prey #113


PANEL 1: Flash scratches the back of his head. Misfit makes a popping gesture with one hand.

FLASH: Wait, you can’t teleport other people?

MISFIT: If I do they explode.

PANEL 2: Flash cocks his head wide-eyed and makes two finger-guns. Misfit lifts her head up panic explaining hands flailing.

FLASH: Noted!

MISFIT: It’s not by choice! Like, anything organic, I guess, that isn’t me explodes. But not food, and that’s organic right…
Umm Babs– err, Ms. Gord– ahh, I mean, Oracle might be better able to explain!

ORACLE (CAPTION BOX): No. No, I cannot.

ORACLE (OVER COMMUNICATOR): I’ll schedule us some time to test your powers more in-depth.

PANEL 3: Misfit sits up swinging her legs over the car.

MISFIT: Anyway, yeah, I remembered Oracle briefing us about Kilg%re actually being like a living computer virus program and it just makes totally metal bodies. So, that means they’re Bounce-able!
And I just dropped him in the ocean ‘cause water breaks computers and stuff. Short-circuiting, right?

ORACLE (OVER COMMUNICATOR): Not exactly. Kilg%re’s bodies don’t operate like traditional electronics.

PANEL 4: EXT Night — Flashback – Aerial shot of Misfit dropping Calculator 2.0 in the ocean. She hangs in mid-air surrounded by her pink teleportation clouds.

MISFIT (UNCONNECT SPEECH BUBBLE): Oh… Well, umm, I bounced a few times in mid-air keeping an eye out for him but he just plummeted straight down and didn’t come back up.

ORACLE (OVER COMMUNICATOR): With how dense he must be I’m not surprised. In fact, if he didn’t react quickly enough the water pressure probably crushed a lot of the body beyond repair. You might have even teleprted his body out of the Calculator’s mental link range.


PANEL 1: Head slouched and eyes closed, Oracle rubs the bridge of the nose, her hand pushing her glasses up.

ORACLE (CAPTION BOX): Mera’s gonna kill us when she finds out Misfit just trashed Calculator 2.0 into the ocean.
In the meantime I can’t believe I’m gonna say this, but I gotta start cutting Misfit some slack if I want her to ever listen to any of us and follow orders.

ORACLE: Great job, Misfit. You diffused that situation rather admirably.

PANEL 2: Misfit springs up on top of the car, her eyes are shining and fists clenched over her mouth.

PANEL 3: The others explode into cheers of victory, Huntress nods her head and Misfit basks in the praise.

BLACK CANARY: Very impressive, Misfit!

LADY BLACKHAWK: Nice going, squirt!

FLASH: That was incredible!

PANEL 4: Misfit hops up on top of the car. She shoots finger guns at Flash and winks.

MISFIT: Thank you, thank you! That’s right I‟m just that flavor of high intensity awesome sauce.
And please feel free to do a lil’ Flash photography!

PANEL 5: Lightning discharges off Flash and a red blurred path is behind him as he takes a photo of Misfit with a polaroid camera with the flash on.

FLASH: I love her!
Central City could always use another hero. We could add a spot in the Flash Museum for you.


PANEL 6: Huntress spins and pushes Flash backwards.

HUNTRESS: Not happening, speedster. She’s a full-time student first and foremost.



PANEL 1: Oracle is surprised, leaning into the monitor with the satellite feed.

ORACLE (CAPTION BOX): I’ll let Charlie have her moment. But for now it’s back to square one trying to hunt down Calculator.
Wait. Is that…

PANEL 2: Close in on the computer monitor with the satellite feed. About a half-dozen pop-ups with warning icons are on the screen that say “Remote connection detected”, “Unauthorized access requested”, and “Do you trust this source?”


PANEL 3: EXT Night — A motel in the middle of nowhere. A few cars and vans are in the lot and a couple of room lights are on. The motel sign reads “FREE WI-FI!”

CAPTION BOX: Keystone City Outskirts


PANEL 4: INT — Inside the motel suite the human version of CALCULATOR (Noah Kuttler) is screaming and furiously pounding his fingers into his laptop’s keyboard. The bed is unmade and discarded takeout boxes are strewn around the room.

CALCULATOR: What the hell did that kid do to my avatar! Come on! Come on! I know the US doesn’t have this good of security on its satellites.


PANEL 1: Close up of Oracle’s smiling pursed lips.

ORACLE (CAPTION BOX): I know this proxy server. I bought this proxy server! And a half dozen others, waiting for my fish.

ORACLE: Oh Calculator, your IP is showing.

PANEL 2: Misfit and Flash look at each other grinning like mad.

ORACLE (OVER COMMUNICATOR): Misfit. Flash. Care to have a little race?

PANEL 3: Over the shoulder of Calculator smacking the side of his laptop, a login pop-up is on the screen.

(OFF-SCREEN CHARACTER): Have you tried the password, “password”?

CALCULATOR: Of course, that was within the first 65535 guesses from my brute force–

PANEL 4: Terrified, Calculator spins around in his swivel chair staring up at Misfit cracking her knuckles.

MISFIT: Ready for that beat down I promised ya?


PANEL 1: Calculator spins his head and sees Flash leaning against his doorframe.

FLASH: Give ’em a wedgie from me while you’re at it!

PANEL 2: Calculator thrusts him arm out at Misfit, from behind him is laptop warps around his arm shooting straight at her.


PANEL 3: ¾ Splash page – Misfit bursts fist-first from her pink smoke perpendicular to Calculator decking him square across his face. His jaw flies open, glasses cracked knocked off his head, as he gets thrown from his chair.



PANEL 1: EXT Day — Outside the Birds of Prey‟s current headquarters.

Gotham City

ORACLE (CAPTION BOX): We turned Calculator over to the JLA. Doctor Light confirmed all the nanites in his bloodstream and brain have been scrubbed clean. He can look forward to spending the next eternity in a federal cell without internet access. In his motel room we also found locked tightly away Kilg%re’s source code hard drive.
I suggested pitching it into the nearest black hole, but the JLA elected to store it themselves under lock and key.

PANEL 2: Oracle, Black Canary, Huntress, Lady Blackhawk, and Misfit are all in a bright and nicely furnished living room in their street clothes. Everyone is sitting down giggling except Misfit who’s standing on a sofa chair punching the air.

MISFIT: Then I was all, “CRUNCH-ETH, Taste the Dark Vengeance!‟ And he got knocked back three-hundred feet, ZLONK and begged "Oh Misfit, you’re too tough I surrender, wahhh!”

PANEL 3: Black Canary looks at Huntress and Oracle chin resting on hand and a sly grin. Oracle rolls her eyes but Huntress is smirking back at Black Canary, one arm wrapped around Oracle.

BLACK CANARY: I think she’s gets it from both of you.

HUNTRESS: You’re just jealous that since you’re hitched to Queen, I get Babs all to myself.

ORACLE: Could you two not?

PANEL 4: Lady Blackhawk chimes in, turning up the snark. Huntress looks off to the side.

LADY BLACKHAWK: Helena, didn’t cha have a thing for the Question? Both of them, actually?

HUNTRESS: Pfft, like I’d ever date anybody without a face. …Twice.

PANEL 5: Huntress and Black Canary lean towards each other looking and laughing at Oracle.

BLACK CANARY: What do you say Babs, will you give me another shot? I know I’ve got a kid, but you do seem to be great with Sin.

HUNTRESS: If one of us doesn’t propose soon, Grayson might finally work up the courage to ask. And next thing we know Babs will have suitors lining up around the block.


PANEL 1: Misfit slides up next to Oracle enjoying the bickering. Oracle snorts out a laugh.

MISFIT: This is way better than any reality TV show.


PANEL 2: Oracle wheels herself between Black Canary and Huntress. Lady Blackhawk is cackling from her sofa chair.

ORACLE: Before this nightmare of discussing my romantic life continues, I’d like to make an announcement.

PANEL 3: Huntress, Black Canary, and Lady Blackhawk stand beside and behind Oracle.

ORACLE: Charlie, I discussed this with the rest of the team last night. And we all agreed that we want you to be a full-fledged member of the team.

PANEL 4: Close up on Misfit’s face, a cross between gobsmacked and excited.

MISFIT: For real!?

PANEL 5: The rest of the team claps as Misfit jumps in air cheering in utter joy.

MISFIT: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!
I‟m officially a member of the  BIRDS OF PREY!

HUNTRESS: But you still have to attend all your classes and finish all your school work!