
Misfit/BoP Fan Script (Part 1)

A comic script for a Birds of Prey/Misfit fanfic idea I had just this morning.

Unfortunately I didn’t have enough time to write the whole thing but here’s the first part!

Let me know what you think and I’ll see if I can get the whole thing finished by this weekend! Fic under the read more!


PANEL 1: Ext. Night — Wide shot of Central City, the skyline is
alight with the hustle and bustle. The streaks of lights from cars reminiscent of
the city’s iconic hero, the Flash.

CAPTION BOX: Central City

PANEL 2: Bird’s eye view of a main street and the side alley between
an antiques shop and record store. A few empty cars are parked on the street,
no pedestrians are around. A tiny sliver of piece in the big city.

PANEL 3: The alley wall of the antiques store explodes out! Bricks
shooting into the alley as dust and smoke billow from the hole. Partially
obscured from the dust and debris a shadowy figure flees from the antique’s


PANEL 4: HUNTRESS, Helena Bertinelli, stands on the threshold of the
destroyed wall. Unloaded crossbow in hand, she touches the communicator in her
ear with two fingers.

HUNTRESS: We got a runner!



PANEL 1: Ext. Night — Close up of the smirking face of THE
FLASH, Wally West. Lightning arcs off him and the panel. The background is
motion blurred streaks of buildings and lights.

FLASH: Ha, “runner”! I get it!

PANEL 2: Huntress runs down the alley her cape billowing
behind her. The background is clearly in focus showing off random beat-up
posters littering the walls. They range from obscure metal bands, movies from
half a decade ago, and a picture of a roaring bear’s face with the words ‘I’M

HUNTRESS: I wasn’t making a joke, Flash.

COMMUNICATOR) :Still funny!

HUNTRESS: Ugg. Oracle, you got eyes on him?

PANEL 3: INT — ORACLE, Barbara Gordon, sits horseshoed
in-between a myriad of monitors that bathe her in green light. Her fingers pick
away at her keyboard, the monitors reflect in her glasses. She speaks into her

ORACLE: I’ve got him on the surveillance feed. He’s in the historic section, moving
down Dixon Avenue like we planned.
Canary? Blackhawk?

PANEL 4: EXT — BLACK CANARY, Dinah Lance, and LADY
BLACKHAWK, Zinda Blake stand side by side blocking the end of the narrow street.
Black Canary has her arms crossed and Zinda has an odd boxy rifle with no
barrel hole aimed forwards. The shadowy figure stops mid-way down the street.

BLACK CANARY: He’s here.

PANEL 5: Flash zooms from behind the still running Huntress,
she turns her head.

FLASH: Need a lift?


PANEL 6: Lightning discharges all around as Flash skids to a
halt, carrying Huntress, blocking the other end of the Alley. THE BIRDS OF PREY
and Flash have him surrounded!

PANEL 7: We see over the shoulder of the shadowy figure, Huntress
hops out of Flash’s arms, crossbow armed and aimed at the figure. Flash has a
smug grin.

FLASH: Kilg%re, long time no
see buddy. Howya been?

PANEL 8: Mid shot reveal of KILG%RE, his nude ken-doll like metallic
chrome skin reflects the yellow lampposts’ light, half of a sparking arrow bolt
pokes out of his chest, a hologram of green square glasses covers his eyes. His
left fist clenches in prideful declaration, in his right hand is a larger and
thicker than average cell phone-esque device.

CALCULATOR 2.0: The fastest man alive
and still late to the party. Kilg%re’s gone. I control his body now. I am
Calculator 2.0!

CAPTION BOX: Editor’s Note: Read
Birds of Prey #126-127
Actually, read the whole run!



PANEL 1: Oracle stares intensely at the live feeds on her
monitors. She can see Kilg%re/Calculator 2.0 from the front and back through
the other Birds of Prey’s micro-body camera as well as from above via a
security cam.

BOX): Calculator, the only
remaining member of the Silicone Syndicate. He’s been lying low for almost a
year since he took over Kilg%re and compromised our base in Platinum Flats. He
was able to reverse engineer enough of the New Gods tech in order to invent a
way to override Kilg%re’s consciousness and can now control his body via remote

PANEL 2: INT— Flashback to Calculator 2.0 rampaging inside
the Birds of Prey former base tearing it up, as a bandaged up Oracle is wheeled
away by a running Black Canary, Huntress, and Manhunter.

BOX): We were caught
severely off-guard last time. Thankfully it only cost us things and not
someone’s life. We got lucky, but Calculator got away. We can’t afford to lose
him again or who knows when, if we’ll ever be able to track him down again.

PANEL 3: EXT — Calculator 2.0 holds up the device in his
hand for all to see. It’s a MOTHER BOX! His thumb presses the big red button in
the center.

CALCULATOR 2.0: Back off! None of
you, not even your Oracle know what you’re dealing with! With this Mother Box I
now have access to enough functioning god level tech to kill even Superman!


PANEL 4: Calculator 2.0’s arm is blasted apart by energy
waves from Lady Blackhawk’s gun.

PANEL 5: Close up of the Mother Box hitting the cobblestone
ground shattering into pieces.

PANEL 6: Calculator 2.0’s is a mix of shock and rage. Wires
whip and sparks shower from what’s left of his amputated arm and shoulder.

CALCULATOR 2.0: A fake?

PANEL 7: Flash and Huntress grin knowingly.

FLASH: Sorry dude, but you
really shouldn’t believe everything you read on your nerd sites. Who knows
who’s posting that stuff?



PANEL 1: Black Canary and Lady Blackhawk close in.
Calculator 2.0’s exposed wires grab onto the fragments of his arm resembling

COMMUNICATOR): Zinda, hit him with the
EMP gun again!

Say goodnight Mister.

PANEL 2:  Calculator
2.0 thrusts out his good arm. A metal pipe burst from a wall and impales Lady
Blackhawk’s EMP gun. Both women are shocked jumping out of the way.


PANEL 3: Oracle is shocked, her nails dig into the edges of
her keyboard.

BOX): No, no, no! He
shouldn’t have had enough power left to do that!

ORACLE: Everyone keep your
distance! He must have upgraded more of Kilg%re’s body since we last fought
him. Huntress I don’t know if those EMP arrows will be enough!

PANEL 4: Head shot. An arrow bolt penetrates through one of
Calculator 2.0’s eyes! His mouth is open wide screaming in silent agony. The
hologram around the eye flickers and electricity flings out.

(OFF-SCREEN): They seem to be
working alright enough.

PANEL 5: His arm is repaired but the arrow is still lodged
in his eye. More pipes burst from the walls and beneath Calculator 2.0 molding
into his body as he increases in size and roars! Black Canary puffs her chest


PANEL 6: Calculator 2.0 is slammed and half imbedded into
the wall behind him by rings of sound waves from Black Canary’s, CANARY CRY!



PANEL 1: Flash zips near Calculator 2.0 struggling to pull
himself free from the wall. The Birds of Prey all close in. Huntress with her
crossbow reloaded, Lady Blackhawk pistol drawn, and Black Canary fist clenched.

FLASH: You should really
give up dude, these ladies men serious business.

PANEL 2: Spiked metal tendrils, razor sharp claws, and a
buzz saw spring from Calculator 2.0’s torso like additional arms as he lunges
at them.  The Birds of Prey and raise
their arms in defense.

PANEL 3: Same shot. The metal appendages hit nothing but
air. A streak of lightning crosses where the three Birds of Prey were.

PANEL 4: Calculator 2.0 stands tall, half as tall as the
buildings around him. His body is no longer the smooth chrome but a wicked
mechanical monstrosity with one glowing eye. He raises a fist in triumph.

CALCULATOR 2.0: That’s right, run
away! Nothing you have can stop me!

CHARACTER): Except some…



SPLASH PAGE: MISFIT, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, appears in an
explosion of pink sparkling smoke. Her foot plants Huntress’s arrow bolt even
deeper into Calculator 2.0’s face. His body is thrown off balance from the
force of her hit




To be continued.