
Archives for : css

Changes to make via the Dash, CSS, and PHP

  1. Change name header font. CSS
  2. Move RSS icon. PHP
  3. Move into Main Nav a /and remove 1 of the search boxes. PHP
  4. Move Main-Nav under scroll gallery. Dash or PHP
  5. Change Main-Nav Font. CSS
  6. Turn recent post galley into scroll gallery. PHP
  7. Change all Post Font. CSS
  8. Change Post Header font color. CSS
  9. Tweak Side Bar Colors. CSS
  10. Add/Remove Elements from Side Bar. Dash/PHP
  11. Tweak Background color.  Dash/CSS
  12. Add a nav in the footer as well as other links. PHP
  13. Change max post on a blog roll page. Dash
  14. Disable all commenting. Dash
  15. Embed video in portfolio. Dash/PHP
  16. Disable side bar when not on blog roll or a single post. PHP
  17. Organize gallery contents and set up viewing capacities. PHP/CSS
  18. Add a roll in gallery of art that can prev or next. PHP
  19. Make about look nicer. CSS
  20. Add a tag cloud. Dash or PHP
  21. Order of title, post, date, and tags on an individual post. PHP
  22. Round box corners. CSS
  23. Add a etc… truncating post after certain char limit. PHP
  24. Make blog about 20% Cooler. MLP:FIM