
Archives for : vector

June 30, 2014

The Six Scurvy Dogs and our Flee-Bitten Mutt!

So a this guy (points to self), a Lolita, an Oni, a Tribes-Woman, a Vampire, and a Jester walk into a bar with their Sound Guy and they
have a nice meal, pay their bill, and leave a fair tip.
… What, were you expecting some clever pun or something?

April 7, 2014

My contribution for National Misfit Day with a parody of Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns. And just imagine how awesome this story would be, right Gail! …Gail? *psst*GailPleaseMakeThis*psst*

April 7, 2014

My contribution for National Misfit Day with a parody of Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns. And just imagine how awesome this story would be, right Gail! …Gail? *psst*GailPleaseMakeThis*psst*

September 29, 2013

September 29, 2013

Okay real quick, this isn’t the first time a fan’s vectorized some of the cutie marks for AKS, is it? Cause I’m having serious deja vu right now


Yeah, once someone did a vector of Coffee Talk’s cutie mark! CUTIE MARKS EVERYWHERE

That was me too.

Cause I like making Cutie Marks…

Like, really like…

For real…

Okay real quick, this isn’t the first time a fan’s vectorized some of the cutie marks for AKS, is it? Cause I’m having serious deja vu right now


Yeah, once someone did a vector of Coffee Talk’s cutie mark! CUTIE MARKS EVERYWHERE

That was me too.

Cause I like making Cutie Marks…

Like, really like…

For real…

June 17, 2013

Coffee Talk is the OC of Wiggles from the super awesome Ask-King-Sombra
The top left one I based off Wiggles reference sheet for her. The bottom left one is a stylized version where I tried to get a steamy effect on the coffee and added a gradient on the mug.

June 17, 2013

Coffee Talk is the OC of Wiggles from the super awesome Ask-King-Sombra
The top left one I based off Wiggles reference sheet for her. The bottom left one is a stylized version where I tried to get a steamy effect on the coffee and added a gradient on the mug.

June 1, 2013

Praiser Pan’s Cutie Mark