Change name header font. CSSMove RSS icon. PHPMove into Main Nav a /and remove 1 of the search boxes. PHPMove Main-Nav under scroll gallery. Dash or PHPChange Main-Nav Font. CSS- Turn recent post galley into scroll gallery. PHP
Change all Post Font. CSSChange Post Header font color. CSSTweak Side Bar Colors. CSSAdd/Remove Elements from Side Bar.Dash/PHP
Tweak Background color. Dash/CSSAdd a nav in the footer as well as other links. PHPChange max post on a blog roll page. DashUNDONE BECAUSE BROKE SEARCH FUNCTION SOMEHOW
Disable all commenting.Dash
Embed video in portfolio. Dash/PHPDisable side bar when not on blog roll or a single post. PHPOrganize gallery contents and set up viewing capacities. PHP/CSSAdd a roll in gallery of art that can prev or next. PHPMake About look nicer. CSSAdd a tag cloud. Dash or PHPOrder of title, date, post, and tags on an individual post. PHPRound box corners.CSS
Make blog about 20% Cooler. MLP:FIM
Archives for : Wbdv 243
Looking for a good responsive theme plugin for this WordPress theme. And possibly one that handles rebuilding it for mobiles and tablets.
Wire-frames for the layout of the home page, portfolio, and an individual post.
After creating my pages I see that they don’t look too terrific so I’ll go back later and some CSS to get them to look nicer. I’ll probably use the layout on my website main pages as the template.